Current Endeavors

Research Associate, Peron Lab, NYU

In the Peron Lab, we use the mouse whisker system to investigate how cortical computation impacts perception. Large-scale 2-photon calcium imaging of cortical activity in mice performing controlled behaviors allows us to identify populations that may underpin perception. Identifying the cortical populations that correlate with perception is not enough to establish causality. We use focal perturbation to understand how specific populations of neurons contribute to behavior.


  • Manage the end-to-end oversight of independent research projects on rodent perception by overseeing and organizing the weekly project schedule and ensuring each stage is completed.

  • Train rodents in behavioral paradigms.

  • Perform aseptic surgical procedures: craniotomies, durotomies, window implantation and removal.

  • Anesthetize and administer subcutaneous medication.

  • Cortical lesions using a femtosecond laser.

  • Use two-photon microscopy to image neural activity in behaving mice.

  • Intrinsic signal optical imaging to identify cortical network activity.

  • Perform histology: perfusion, slicing on a vibratome, mounting on slides.

  • Image slides with a VS120, Confocal, ECHO Microscopes.

  • Curate 2-photon fluorescent neuron activity and whisker dynamics (MATLAB and ImageJ).

  • Utilize MATLAB to visualize data.

  • Maintain animal records.

  • Maintain rodent colony and perform euthanasia.

  • Rodent genotyping.

  • Maintain lab equipment and supplies.


Sparse and distributed cortical populations mediate sensorimotor integration (preprint)

Pancholi R, Sun-Yan A, Laughton M, Peron SP, 2023, BioRxiv

We studied touch-motor interactions in layer 2/3 of the primary vibrissal somatosensory and motor cortices of behaving mice. Volumetric 2-photon calcium imaging revealed robust responses to whisker touch, whisking, and licking in both areas. Touch activity was dominated by a sparse population of broadly tuned neurons responsive to multiple whiskers that exhibited longitudinal stability and disproportionately influenced interareal communication. Movement representations were similarly dominated by sparse, stable, reciprocally projecting populations. In both areas, many boradly tuned touch cells also produced robust licking or whisking responses. These touch-licking and touch-whisking neurons showed distinct dynamics suggestive of specific roles in shaping movement. Cortical touch-motor interactions are thus mediated by specialized populations of highly responsive, broadly tuned neurons.

Click here to read the full paper.

Cortical circuitry mediating inter-areal touch signal amplification

Ryan L, Sun-Yan A, Laughton M, Peron SP, 2023, Cell Reports

Here, we ask how topographically matched subregions of primary and secondary vibrissal somatosensory cortices (vS1 and vS2) interact during whisker touch. Volumetric calcium imaging in mice actively palpating an object with two whiskers revealed a sparse population of highly active, broadly tuned touch neurons responsive to both whiskers. These neurons were especially pronounced in superficial layer 2 in both areas. Despite their rarity, these neurons served as the main conduits of touch-evoked activity between vS1 and vS2 and exhibited elevated synchrony. Focal lesions of the whisker touch-responsive region in vS1 or vS2 degraded touch responses in the unlesioned area, with whisker-specific vS1 lesions degrading whisker-specific vS2 touch responses. Thus, a sparse and superficial population of broadly tuned touch neurons recurrently amplifies touch responses across vS1 and vS2.

Click here to read the full paper.

Columnar lesions in barrel cortex persistently degrade object location discrimination performance

Ryan L, Laughton M, Sun-Yan A, Costello S, Pancholi R, Peron SP, 2022, eNeuro

Here, we train animals implanted with a cranial window over vS1 to perform single-whisker perceptual tasks. We then use high-power laser exposure centered on the barrel representing the spared whisker to produce lesions with a typical volume of one to two barrels. These columnar-scale lesions impair performance in an object location discrimination task for multiple days without disrupting vibrissal kinematics. Animals with degraded location discrimination performance can immediately perform a whisker touch detection task with high accuracy. Animals trained de novo on both simple and complex whisker touch detection tasks showed no permanent behavioral deficits following columnar-scale lesions.

Click here to read the full paper.

Science Communication

Producer & Co-Host of
Science After Hours

Grappling with the impact of a lack of scientific literacy amongst the public during the pandemic, Maya founded Onyva Studios LLC, in Spring 2023, to build an information pipeline from the experts to everyone else. Contextualization of advancements in science and technology is vital in a world increasingly shaped by them. Through Onyva, Maya is developing the podcast, Science After Hours, as a platform for early career scientists and engineers to bring fresh takes and nuance to public conversations, as well as foster community.

Click here for a sneak peak of Onyva’s first original podcast, Science After Hours

Events & Outreach

Pics or it didn’t happen

Ryan L, Sun-Yan A, Laughton M, Peron SP, in press, 2023, Cell Reports

Ryan L, Sun-Yan A, Laughton M, Peron SP, in press, 2023, Cell Reports

Ryan L, Laughton M, Sun-Yan A, Costello S, Pancholi R, Peron SP, 2022, eNeuro

Pancholi R, Sun-Yan A, Laughton M, Peron SP, 2023, BioRxiv

Presenting at the Society for Neuroscience, D.C. 2023